Acupuncture, which involves inserting tiny needles into the body, is both a kind of complementary treatment and a crucial component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Despite being used to treat a variety of diseases, it is most frequently used to relieve pain. Acupuncture is typically only used in conjunction with complementary therapies. Between China (10) and the United States, there were considerable disparities in the average number of patients treated each hour (1.2). The usage of Chinese herbs is common. There are several acupuncture techniques that employ very distinct ideas.
Related Conference of Acupuncture
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11th International Conference on Medicinal Practices: Herbal, Holistic and Traditional
Dubai, UAE
March 17-18, 2025
13th International Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine
Singapore City, Singapore
April 21-22, 2025
8th World Congress on Traditional and Complementary Medicine
Amsterdam, Netherlands
April 24-25, 2025
8th International Conference on Epigenetics and Human DiseasesConference
Vienna, Austria
April 28-29, 2025
7th European Forum on Advances in Herbal Medicine and Holistic Medical Practice
Bali, Indonesia
Acupuncture Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Mind Therapies
- Acupuncture
- Alternative Medicine
- Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda Medicine
- Chiropractic Technique
- Ethnobotany
- Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals
- Modern Pharmacognosy
- Natural Products
- Natural Therapies
- Phytochemistry
- Plant Products and Crude Drugs
- Siddha System of Medicine
- Traditional Medicine
- Unani System of Medicine
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