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Natural Products Conference 2023

About Conference:

The Conference Series LLC Ltd is delighted to invite you to the10th World Congress on Natural Products, Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine, taking place at Bali on May 15-16, 2023. The conference was titled “NATURAL PRODUCTS CONFERENCE 2023".

The term "traditional medicine" (also referred to as "indigenous medicine" or "folk medicine") refers to the medical applications of traditional knowledge that have been passed down through the generations within the folk beliefs of various societies, including indigenous peoples, prior to the advent of modern medicine. Traditional medicine is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "the totality of knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the preservation of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement, or treatment of physical and mental illness."  It is common to compare scientific medicine and traditional medicine.

The first step towards discovering the breakthrough in "Traditional Medicine" and enjoying the greener pastures of professional advancement, global recognition, and a respectable reputation is to attend this groundbreaking conference.


The Conference will make an effort to provide lots of networking opportunities, giving you the chance to connect with top scientists and researchers, friends and colleagues, sponsors, and exhibitors.

This largely focuses on:

  • The core competencies required to successfully practice Traditional system of medicine include the capacity to deliver safe and effective patient care, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, lifelong learning aimed at continually improving medical knowledge, and integrating and influencing medical care systems to optimize patient outcomes.
  • The members of the organizing committee for Natural Products Conference 2023 work assiduously to assemble specialists from every discipline of alternative medicine under one roof so that participants will have knowledge of all the branches of natural medicine.
  • At Natural Products Conference 2023, the floor will be crowded with attendees, exhibitors, seminars, symposiums, keynote speeches from distinguished speakers from across the world, oral presentations by renowned speakers, and poster presentations.
  • At this worldwide conference, you have a fantastic opportunity to network with academics and others who have similar interests, which will help you overcome geographic boundaries.
  • Develop the management, intellectual, and clinical skills necessary to assume the top position in the field of Traditional Medicine in the future.


  • Acupuncturists
  • Ayurveda Practitioners
  • Natural Medicine Practitioners
  • Homeopathy Practitioners
  • Unani Practitioners
  • Siddha Practitioners
  • Pharmacognosy Professionals
  • Herbalists
  • Naturopathy Doctors
  • Physicians
  • Chemists
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Specialists in General Medicine
  • Academic Professionals
  • Scientists
  • Research Scholars
  • Students

Key Elements:

  • Professional Perspective
  • Scholars Recognized Globally, New Technologies Are Emerging
  • Abstracts are published in conference proceedings.
  • Deep Learning and Knowledge Exchange
  • being made aware of future business trends
  • Fostering academic dialogue, evaluating research, and disseminating findings from that research
  • Certificate of Participation with Foreign Signatories
  • Find, Present, and Delight.

Conference Opportunities:

Conference Opportunities:

For Researchers and Faculty Members:

Speaker Presentations
Poster Display
Symposium hosting (4-5 member teams)
Workshop organizing

For Universities, Associations & Societies:

Association Partnering
Collaboration proposals
Academic Partnering
Group Participation

For Students and Research Scholars:

Poster Competition (Winner will get Best Poster Award)
Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter)
Student Attendee
Group registrations

For Business Delegates:

Speaker Presentations
Symposium hosting
Books launch event
Networking opportunities
Audience participation

For Product Manufacturers:

Exhibitor and Vendor booths
Sponsorships opportunities
Product launch
Workshop organizing
Scientific Partnering
Marketing and Networking with clients


Track 1: Modern Pharmacognosy

         Pharmacognosy, which is based on a macroscopic and microscopic inspection of unprocessed pharmaceuticals, is the study of crude remedies of plant and animal origin as well as their authenticity and quality control. The term "Pharmacognosy," coined in 1811 by Austrian physician Schmidt, was first used by Seydler in Analecta Pharmacognostica in 1815.

From drug identification, such as the separation of active ingredients, to more recently, biological activity research, the emphasis and scope of study in Pharmacognosy have drastically changed.Research in ethnopharmacology, ethnomedicine, and ethnobotany has grown to be an important part of pharmacognosy.

Track 2: Traditional Medicine

        Traditional medicine is defined as the body of knowledge, abilities, and practices that are derived from ideas, beliefs, and experiences that are unique to different cultures and are used to preserve health as well as to prevent, diagnose, treat, or improve physical and mental disorders. Many books and recordings of theoretical ideas and practical skills support certain traditional medical systems, while others are passed down verbally from one generation to the next. The majority of people have relied on traditional medicine to meet their basic medical requirements for a long time in many parts of the world. Throughout the previous few decades, traditional medicine has become more and more well-liked. These methods have not only been used in basic healthcare

  • Traditional Korean Medicine
  • Traditional Japanese Medicine
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Traditional African Medicine
  • Traditional Indian Medicine
  • Traditional Medicine and Their Authentication

Track 3: Alternative Medicine

          Alternative treatment plans proportion in not unusual place that they live outdoor of scientific technological know-how and as an alternative depend on pseudoscience. Traditional practices become "opportunity" while used outdoor their unique settings and without right medical clarification and proof. Frequently used derogatory phrases for applicable practices are new age or pseudo- medication, with little difference from quackery.

Track 4: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals

       Herbal cosmetics, often known as products, are created by formulating a foundation using a variety of legal cosmetic components before adding one or more herbal substances that are used solely to deliver specified cosmetic advantages. Herbs don't provide quick cures. They provide a means of harmonizing the body with nature.

. The nicest thing about herbal cosmetics is that they are composed entirely of herbs and shrubs, thus they have no negative effects.

Track 5: Acupuncture

            Acupuncture, which involves inserting tiny needles into the body, is both a kind of complementary treatment and a crucial component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Despite being used to treat a variety of diseases, it is most frequently used to relieve pain. Acupuncture is typically only used in conjunction with complementary therapies. Between China (10) and the United States, there were considerable disparities in the average number of patients treated each hour (1.2). The usage of Chinese herbs is common. There are several acupuncture techniques that employ very distinct ideas.

Track 6: Mind Therapies

           Mind-body therapies aim to increase the beneficial effects of the mind on the body. Behavioral, psychological, social, expressive, and spiritual methods are all used in these procedures.

  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Guided imagery
  • Biofeedback
  • Yoga

Track 7: Chiropractic Technique

           Chiropractic is a form of elective medicine that treats spinal problems that are mechanical in nature and relate to the musculoskeletal system of the body.

One of the important chiropractic techniques used for spinal rope modification is the Gonstead approach. It mostly includes back massage and control, which aid in the alteration of the spine and associated tissues. With the exception of treating lower back pain, chiropractic care is not effective for treating any illness. Chiropractic activation technique is an instrument assisted therapy approach used to treat migraines, neck pain, and back pain.

Track 8: Plant Products and Crude Drugs

         Crude pharmaceuticals are plant or animal medications that merely go through the collecting and drying stages before containing natural ingredients. Natural compounds are those found in nature whose molecular structure has not been altered by human intervention. They are applied both inside and topically to treat ailments, such as Senna and Cinchona, in both people and animals.

Any naturally occurring, unprocessed substance derived from organic or inorganic sources, including plants, animals, bacteria, organs, or whole organisms, is referred to as a crude drug. It is intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals.

Track 9: Natural Therapies

           A type of complementary medicine is naturopathy, often known as naturopathic medicine. Naturopaths are its practitioners, who use a wide range of pseudoscientific techniques marketed as "natural," "non-invasive," or encouraging "self-healing." These therapies, which are hard to generalize, run the gamut from open quack medicine like homoeopathy to acknowledged medical procedures like psychotherapy. Naturopathic practitioners may employ procedures that are backed by data, but their ideology and methodology are founded more on vitalism and traditional medicine than on evidence-based medicine.

Track 10: Ethnobotany

            The study of Indian medicinal plants and their traditional usage is known as medical ethnobotany. Plants have been utilized in India for thousands of years to treat illness and maintain health, and they continue to be vital components of traditional medicine and millions of people's diets today. Indians currently use plants as complementary medicine alongside contemporary medical science as well as for primary medical care (mostly in rural and underserved regions). According to estimates, traditional plant-based treatments are used for primary healthcare by 70% of rural Indians. Between 65% and 80% of individuals utilize medical plant cures in the developing world, which is consistent with the dependence on plants as medicine in this region.

Track 11: Phytochemistry

            The study of phytochemicals, or substances originating from plants, is known as phytochemistry. The vast majority of secondary metabolites discovered in plants have complex structures, and phytochemists work to explain these chemicals' roles in human and plant biology as well as their manufacture. Plants produce phytochemicals for a variety of purposes, including defense against pests and disease. Although there are many different types of molecules found in plants, the majority of them fall into one of four primary biosynthetic classes: alkaloids, phenylpropanoids, polyketides, and terpenoids.

Track 12: Aromatherapy

             Aromatherapy, which promises to enhance both psychological and physical wellbeing, is based on the use of aromatic materials, such as essential oils and other scent compounds. It is provided as either an alternative type of medicine or as a complimentary therapy, the first of which refers to using it in place of established, scientifically proven therapies.

Track 13: Ayurveda Medicine

           Over the past two thousand years, ayurvedic treatments have changed and developed. Laxatives, enemas, massage, yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, specific diets, and medicinal oils are some examples of therapies. Ayurvedic remedies are frequently made of intricate plant mixtures, minerals, and metals (perhaps under the influence of early Indian alchemy or rasashastra). Surgical procedures including rhinoplasty, kidney stone removal, sutures, and the removal of foreign items were also included in the early Ayurvedic writings.

Track 14: Siddha System of Medicine

          The Siddha System of Medicine predominated in the southern Indian peninsula's civilization for as long as mankind has existed. One of India's oldest medical systems, siddha, is regarded as the mother of Tamils and Dravidians in South India in antiquity. It is a hidden scientific treasure trove that contains the fruits of the ancient Siddhars' diligent research.

Track 15: Unani System of Medicine

         The Unani System of Medicine is a thorough medical approach that carefully considers the many health and illness states. It offers healthcare that is promotional, preventative, curative, and rehabilitative. The system's foundational ideas, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic approaches are founded on rational scientific theories and holistic notions of health and healing .The emphasis on the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is part of its holistic perspective on the individual in connection to his environment. When diagnosing and treating illnesses using natural treatments made mostly from plants, the patient's temperament (Mizj) is given significant weight.

Track 16: Natural Products

           A natural product is a chemical or substance that was created naturally—that is, by a living thing and may be found in nature. Natural products broadly speaking encompass everything created by living things. Via offering demanding synthetic targets, natural products have played a crucial role in the development of the area of organic chemistry. Natural products may also be created by chemical synthesis (both semi-synthesis and complete synthesis). For commercial reasons, the definition of a "natural product" has been expanded to include meals, nutritional supplements, and cosmetics made from natural substances alone.

Market Analysis:

Europe has experienced a boom in the acceptability and popularity of complementary and alternative medicine more than any other part of the world. Approximately one-third of those who had seen a general practitioner, or 25.9% of the study group, had utilized complementary and alternative medicine in the six months prior (76.3 percent). 16.5 percent of those polled had utilized physiotherapy, and 44.6% had seen a medical professional. Osteopathy (4.1%) and homoeopathy had the lowest percentages of alternative usage, while acupuncture (12.1%) and spiritual healing (14.9%) had the greatest rates (5.6 percent).

Alternative medicine is gaining popularity on a worldwide scale due to its lack of adverse effects, domestic definitions, and ease of purchasing. A substantial number of legislative and administrative organizations have launched initiatives to identify clinical facilities for the consolidation of promising medications in order to enhance the market and treatment choices.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date May 15-16, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

[email protected]

Speaker Opportunity

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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

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