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Shinjiro Kobayashi

Shinjiro Kobayashi

Hokuriku University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan

Title: Combined Effects of Constituted Crude Drugs for the Anti-Obesity Actions of Bofutsushosan in High-Fat Diet-Fed Obese Mice


Biography: Shinjiro Kobayashi


The Kampo medicine bofutsushosan (BTS) has been used as an anti-obesity treatment in overweight patients. The anti-obesity actions of extracts of BTS and its related combinations were compared in high-fat diet (HFD)-fed obese mice. Male ICR mice were fed a 60% kcal HFD for 5 weeks starting at 4 weeks of age and then fed the same diet with these crude drugs. BTS extract (2.0 g/kg) consisted 18 crude drugs significantly decreased weights of body and white adipose tissue of the obese mice. Extracts (2.0 g/kg) of BTS without Glycyrrhiza (Gly), BTS without Rhubarb (R), BTS without Gardenia Fruit (GF), BTS without Ephedra Herb (EH), BTS without Mirabilite attenuated the actions of BTS extract on body weight on 4-28 days after administration. These extracts also attenuated the action of BTS extract on weights of white adipose tissue on 28 days after administration. Extracts (2.0 g/kg) of BTS without Gly + 0.89% glycyrrhizic acid, BTS without R + 0.046% sennoside AB Ca, BTS without GF + 0.78% geniposide, BTS without EH + 0.16% ephedrine hydrochloride significantly enhanced actions of BTS without the corresponding constituent on the body weight on 4-28 days after administration, respectively. In addition, BTS without R + 0.046% sennoside AB Ca, BTS without GF + 0.78% geniposide, BTS without EH + 0.16% ephedrine hydrochloride significantly enhanced the actions of BTS without the corresponding constituent on the weight of white adipose tissue on 28 days after administration, respectively. These results demonstrate that sennoside AB Ca in R, glycyrrhizic acid in Gly, geniposide in GF and ephedrine in EH have roles for the combined actions of BTS on the weights of body and white adipose tissues in the HFD-induced obesity.