Call for Abstract

7th World Congress on Natural Products, Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine, will be organized around the theme “Phytochemical remedies for SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein of COVID-19 ”

Natural Products Conference 2020 is comprised of 16 tracks and 86 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Natural Products Conference 2020 .

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

  • Alternative medicines are interventions that differ from the traditional or conventional biomedical treatment of disease
  • It is an intervention that is used instead of conventional medicine
  • Alternative medicines are called alternative because they may not always be effective or not proven100% successful.
  • Alternative medicine describes any follow that aims to attain the healing effects of medication medicine/practice of medication) or fringe medicine area unit practices claimed to possess the healing effects of medicine however area unit disproven, unproven, not possible to prove, or solely harmful. Various therapies or diagnoses aren't a part of medication or science-based aid systems. Practice of medicine consists of a large sort of practices, products, and therapies starting from people who area unit biologically plausible however not well tested to those with acknowledged harmful and toxical effects.
  • The choice sector could be an extremely profitable trade with a robust lobby, and faces way less regulation over the employment and promoting of unproved treatments. Its promoting typically advertises the treatments as being "natural" or "holistic", compared to those offered by "big pharma". Billions of bucks are spent learning practice of medicine, with very little to no positive results. A number of the roaring practices area unit solely thought-about various beneath terribly specific definitions, like those that embody all physical activity beneath the umbrella of "alternative medicine"

Before independent:

                        GOI-Traditional system of medicine (Ayurveda, siddha&unani)

                                 Non drug therapies (yoga&naturopathy)

After independent:

  • After 1947 GOI recognized merits of CAM
  • WHO-health for all (ASU)
  • 1995 under ministry of health & family welfare
  • Separate dept. of Indian system of medicine and homeopathy


  • Track 1-1Biologically based methods
  • Track 1-2Energy medicine system
  • Track 1-3Manipulative & body based practices
  • Track 1-4Mind body medicine system
  • Track 1-5Whole body medical system

Traditional medication refers to health practices, approaches, data and beliefs incorporating plant animal and mineral primarily based medicines. Spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being.

Traditional Medicine is that the oldest sort of health care within the world and is used in the prevention, and treatment of physical and mental illnesses. Different societies historically developed various useful healing methods to contest a variety of health- and life-threatening diseases. Traditional Medicine is also variously known as alternative and complementary, or ethnic medicine, and it still plays an important role in many countries today, Traditional Medicine has eased in the development of modern drugs, Though its use of natural products, Traditional Medicine offers integrity over other forms of medicine in such areas as the following: detection of lead compounds and drug candidates, examining drug-like activity and scrutinize physicochemical, biochemical, pharmacokinetic, and toxicological characteristics. If any form of Traditional Medicine is applied successfully, it may surprisingly assist in the development of new drugs, thereby resulting in many benefits, such as significant cost reductions. Nations hardly have any policies or regulations relating to all of the aspects of traditional medicine as an integral part of their overall health care system. This results in an essential commitment to research and development funding.


  • Track 2-1Acupuncture
  • Track 2-2Ayurveda
  • Track 2-3Homeopathy
  • Track 2-4Naturopathy
  • Track 2-5Chinese (or) Oriental medicine

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine. It uses a wide range of treatments and techniques. There is no reliable evidence to support its use as a treatment for cancer. Ayurvedic medicine uses a range of treatments and techniques. Some techniques might help with the symptoms of cancer or its treatment, Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for cancer is not backed up by research, some of the treatments might have severe side effect

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine which began about 5,000 years ago. It is not just one treatment. It is a way of diagnosing illness and using a wide range of treatments and techniques.

Ayurveda is an Indian word. Ayur means life and Veda means knowledge.

Ayurvedic medicine can include:

Advice on diet and special diet and taking specific Ayurveda medications and Yoga breathing and relaxation techniques and bowel cleansing

An Ayurvedic practitioner might suggest any or all of these treatments. It will depend on your particular health problems.

Ayurvedic medicine believes that health problems happen when your mind, body and spirit are out of balance.

Ayurvedic practitioners believe we are made up of 3 elements known as doshas.

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These are:

Air and space (vata dosha) which allows movement

Fire and water (pitta dosha) which allows for change and handles digestion and metabolism

Water and earth (kapha dosha) which gives structure or cohesion

These 3 doshas let the body's organs work together in harmony. They also create your relationship with the environment and universe.

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that health depends on the correct balance of all 3. They claim that combinations of Ayurvedic medicine bring balance and harmony into the body. It helps to:

 Increase energy and wellbeing

 Decrease stress

 Prevent and cure disease

There is no scientific evidence to prove that Ayurvedic medicine can treat or cure cancer, or any other disease.

  • Track 3-1Herbal medicine
  • Track 3-2Massage
  • Track 3-3Meditation
  • Track 3-4Bowel cleansing

Herbal medicines are naturally happening, plant-derived substances. That are advanced mixtures of organic chemicals which will get from any raw or processed part of a plant Herbalism has a great tradition of using divergent outside conventional medicine. In the present time, it is becoming more main stream as many improvements are going in the field of analysis and quality control, along with different advances in clinical research, which increases the value of herbal medicine in treating and preventing disease. There are diverse sorts of herbs like anti-inflammatory herbs, fertility herbs, smoking herbs, adaptogenic herbs, Healing Herbs. There are additionally unique sorts of natural items utilized as a part of different structures some of them are herbal tea, herbal hair, herbal cigarettes, herbal antibiotics, products, and herbal Toothpaste herbal medicine conference.

Medicine exclusively made from plants:

It is the oldest still the most widely used system of medicine in the world today

  • 6000 plants have medical applications
  • 25% of modern prescription drugs have botanical origins

Why do people use herbal medicines?

  • Because it is natural and everybody believe that nature provides solution to good health
  • Unlike synthetic pharmaceutical medicine herbs are easily absorbed in body and blood stream leaving minimal residual and side effects.
  • Track 4-1Aromatic medicines
  • Track 4-2Herbal therapies
  • Track 4-3Natural products and Natural remedies

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct device of primary fitness care that emphasizes prevention and the self-recovery method via the usage of natural therapies. The ideas of Naturopathy were first used by the Hippocratic faculty of medication in about four hundred BC. The Greek logician Hippocrates believed in viewing the complete person in regards to finding a cause of disease, and using the legal guidelines of nature to induce therapy.

The recovery electricity of nature- nature has the innate ability to heal become aware of and treat the reason – there's always an underlying reason, be it physical or emotional. Do no harm- a Naturopath will in no way use remedies that could create different conditions deal with the entire person- while making ready a remedy plan, all factors of someone’s being are considered. The Naturopath as a trainer- a Naturopath empowers the patient to take duty for his/her own health by means of teaching self-care.

Prevention is better than treatment Naturopathy can also do away with toxic substances and conditions from a patient’s way of life to save you the onset of similarly disease.

Basic concepts

Nature cure does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment it looks at all the factors responsible for disease, which include ones un-natural habits in living, thinking, working, sleeping, relaxation, sexual indulgence etc.The environmental factors involved this disturbs normal functioning of body leading to a morbid, weak and toxic state

  • Track 5-1Accumulation of morbid (waste&toxic) matter
  • Track 5-2Abnormal composition of blood & lymph
  • Track 5-3Lowered vitality

Homeopathy is a natural form of medicine used by over 200 million people worldwide to treat both acute and chronic conditions. It is based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. In other words, a substance taken in small amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if taken in large amounts. The holistic nature of homeopathy means each person is treated as a unique individual and their body, mind, spirit and emotions are all considered in the management and prevention of disease. Taking all these factors into account a homeopath will select the most appropriate medicine based on the individual’s specific symptoms and personal level of health to stimulate their own healing ability.Homeopathic medicines are safe to use as they rarely cause side-effects. This means when used appropriately under the guidance of a qualified homeopath they can be taken by people of all ages, including babies, children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.


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  • Track 6-1Ayurveda
  • Track 6-2Traditional medicine
  • Track 6-3Natural medicine

The Siddha science could be a ancient treatment system turn out from Tamil culture. Palm leaf manuscripts say that the Siddha system was first described by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvathi. Parvathi provide a proof of all this information to her son lord muruga.He educated of these data to his intelligent Agastya. Agastya educated eighteen siddhas and they unfold this information to people in general twenty one.

."Siddha system of drug build some extent of that medical treatment is familiarizing not hardly to sickness, however additionally has got to take into consideration from the patient, environment, age, habits, physical condition". Siddha literature is in Tamil and it is largely practiced in Tamil speaking parts of Asian country and abroad.

2) The unani System of medicine based on established information and practices with reference to promotion of positive health and prevention of diseases. Although Unani system derived in Greece, skipped over several countries, Arabs enriched it with their ability and skill and also the system was brought to India during Medieval period. Unani System emphasise the use of naturally occurring, most alternative medicines, though it uses ingredients of animal and marine origin.

  • Track 7-1Agastya
  • Track 7-2Ashtamahasiddhi
  • Track 7-3Varmam
  • Track 7-4Prophetic drugs
  • Track 7-5 Izalae sabab (elimination of cause)
  • Track 7-6Tadeele akhlat (normalization of humors)
  • Track 7-7Tadeele aza (normalization of tissues/organs)
  • Track 7-8Arabic medicinal herbs
  • Track 7-9Cupping medical aid

Medicinal flowers or plants are used as traditional remedies for numerous human illnesses for thousands of years and in lots of components of the sector. In rural areas of the growing countries, they continue to be used as the primary source of medicine. The natural products derived from medicinal plants have proven to be a plentiful supply of biologically active compounds, a lot of that has been the premise for the development of latest lead chemical substances for prescription drugs. With appreciate to sicknesses caused by microorganisms, the increasing resistance in many common pathogens to currently used healing marketers. As there are almost 5,000,00 plant species going on global, of which best 1% has been phytochemically investigated, there may be super potential for discovering novel bioactive compounds. More than 75% countries are using Traditional Medicines As their Primary health care.

  • Track 8-1Phytomedicine and Medicinal crops
  • Track 8-2Aromatic Medicinal Plants
  • Track 8-3Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants
  • Track 8-4Home care Natural Products
  • Track 8-5Organic Products
  • Track 8-6Vaccines and Antibodies

Holistic medicine is used to serve the patients as a whole person i.e. instead of treating an illness, orthodox allopathic and holistic medicine looks at an individual overall physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional connecting before recommending treatment. These different states can be equally foremost. They should be steadily managed together so that a person is treated as a whole Practitioners of Alternative medicine like acupuncturists, herbalists, chiropractors, and nutritionists, agree to the fact that following a diet in agreement to the guidelines of holistic nutrition allows people to rebuild naturally without the intake of prescription drugs and can help to prevent various health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer

  • Track 9-1 Herbal medicine
  • Track 9-2Homeopathy
  • Track 9-3Naturopathic medicine
  • Track 9-4Traditional Chinese medicine
  • Track 9-5Nutritional therapies
  • Track 9-6 Chiropractic
  • Track 9-7Psychotherapy

Pharmacognosy is the science of biogenic or nature-derived pharmaceuticals and poisons that have been an established basic pharmaceutical science for over centuries. Although all pharmacognosy depends on plants and plant products some also depend upon various types of microbes and marine plants and organisms. Pharmacognosy includes a broad spectrum of biological subjects, including botany, ethnobotany, marine biology, microbiology, herbal medicine, chemistry, biotechnology, phytochemistry, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, clinical pharmacy, and pharmacy practice. The part of pharmacognosy which focuses on the use of crude extracts or semi-pure mixtures originating from nature is called as phytotherapy. It is the study of the scientific method and clinical use of herbal medicine.

  • Track 10-1Important natural products and phytomedicines
  • Track 10-2Herbal drug research and therapy
  • Track 10-3Natural products in drug discovery
  • Track 10-4Quality herbal medicine used in phytotherapy

A system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage.

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural", "non-invasive", or promoting "self-healing"

The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence based medicine

Naturopathic practitioners generally recommend against following modern medical practices

  • Track 11-1Alternative medicine
  • Track 11-2Traditional medicine
  • Track 11-3Herbal medicine
  • Track 11-4Stress reduction

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing rapidly. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies 65–80% of the world's health care services as Alternative Medicine Therefore, from the viewpoint of the population ratio, more people use CAM than modern western medicine. Complementary Medicine Today is "a diverse group of treatments, ranging from symptomatic interventions to be used in conjunction with traditional therapies, meditation to other treatments to be used other than the surgeries and chemotherapy techniques. Complementary medicine courses take up the challenge to overcome ill health and different conventional therapies.

Although much attention has been focused on CAM not only from physicians but also basic medical researchers, scientific evidence for most CAM is still sparse. Emergence of CAM as a new current of medicine depends on whether or not precise scientific evidence can be accumulated.

  • Track 12-1Acupuncture
  • Track 12-2chiropractic medicine
  • Track 12-3Alexander technique
  • Track 12-4Aromatherapy
  • Track 12-5Diet therapy
  • Track 12-6Herbalism
  • Track 12-7Biofeedback
  • Track 12-8Ayurveda (Ayurvedic medicine)

A pressure applied on a body with particular action is Massage therapy. These are the techniques commonly applied using fingers, hands, forearm, knees, elbows, feet or even with a device. Bodywork and Aquatic massage is performed with recipients floating or submersed in a warm-water therapy pool. Styles used in massage therapy range from smooth, long strokes to percussive, short strokes. Few massage therapists use lotions and oils for massage where most massage therapists have their clients unclothe for a massage, where some do not. A massage can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. A therapist customizes the massage, depending on the condition of the person, age, or any special needs or goals the person has.

  • Track 13-1Swedish massage
  • Track 13-2Hot stone massage
  • Track 13-3Deep tissue massage
  • Track 13-4Aromatherapy massage
  • Track 13-5Sports massage
  • Track 13-6Trigger point massage
  • Track 13-7Shiatsu massage
  • Track 13-8Reflexology

Yoga practice and meditation is a way of life that aims to remove obstacles and suffering from life to attain the highest spiritual goal ‘Samadhi’ or self-realization or union with higher consciousness. Yoga is not only about stretching and physical exercise. Yoga is practiced for everyday living in spiritual harmony. It is a holistic approach to healthy living. It helps to connect the mind, body, and spirit. It also improves daily living habits, helps to build better relations and in circulatory, respiratory, hormonal, digestive, excretory etc. It helps to achieve peace of mind, emotional mental stability. 

Meditation doesn’t include any exercise or bodily movements. A person sits in a particular posture and concentrates on the significant object, sound, breathe to focus the energy within the Body. It helps you gain your inner peace, and improves your stability, thought process and relieves stress.

Yoga has been originated in ancient India explaining the group of physical, mental and spiritual practices. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Among them most well-known types of yoga are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga.

Yoga offers a multitude of mental and physical benefits. In the modern era of yoga, advances in technology and accessibility of information allow researchers to test and prove these benefits that have been discussed for generations.

  • Track 14-1Raja Yoga
  • Track 14-2Classical yoga
  • Track 14-3Ashtanga yoga
  • Track 14-4Hatha yoga
  • Track 14-5Yogacara and Vajrayana

Physical therapy (PT),principally referred to as physical therapy, is a primary care specialty in western medicine that, by using mechanical force and movements [Bio-mechanics or Kinesiology], Manual therapy, exercise therapy, electrotherapy and various physical therapies who practice evidence based treatments, remediates impairments and promotes mobility, function, and quality of life through examination, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention. It’s performed by physical therapists (known as physiotherapists in several countries).

  • Track 15-1Pediatric
  • Track 15-2Geriatric
  • Track 15-3Orthopedic
  • Track 15-4Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
  • Track 15-5Vestibular Rehabilitation.
  • Track 15-6Neurological
  • Track 15-7Continuing your therapy education

Ethnopharmacology is the study of different medicinal plants products in a specific group or in response to drugs by a different culture. It focuses on the use of traditional medicine in local communities and also commercial application. Many expensive drugs of today such as ephedrine, tubocurarine, atropine, reserpine, and digoxin came into use through the study of indigenous remedies. Ethnopharmacology is based on the combination of the chemical and

biological, pharmacological sciences, which are a useful tool for natural product-based drug discovery. It deals with field studies, pharmacological and clinical studies of chemically profiled extracts, and studies on the quality and composition of several other issues like biological screening and naturally derived products research.

The Society will help to instruct the modern global knowledge on the herb, herbal remedies, herbal quality assurance, herbal trade and commerce, and herbal drug development so that the person with local knowledge can be upgraded. It will forge a bridge between the industry and academics to gather scientific and teaching professional in Ethnopharmacology and professional of other areas interested in developing cost-effective natural remedies.

Historical dimension is the term ethno pharmacology 1st time used in 1967, in early 19th century isolation of some opium alkaloid was a key event in development of modern pharmacy, A significant increase in Hit Rate for discovery of novel active compounds the 90% of estimated 250,000 species of flowering plants still awaiting for specific investigation

  • Track 16-1Information sources
  • Track 16-2Scientific investigation
  • Track 16-3Extraction
  • Track 16-4Tests for activity
  • Track 16-5Chemical examination